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Sleep - Importance, Deprivation & Eating Behaviours

January 21, 2022
4 min read
Members Only

Circadian Rhythm

  • Human’s biological clock & in turn sleep is regulated by circadian rhythms. 
  • Circadian Rhythms “are physical, mental & behavioural changes that follow a 24-hour clock” i.e., they respond to light and dark. Sleeping is an example of this.

Sleep & Overall Health

Sleep is essential for good overall physical, mental, emotional & social health. 

A lack of sleep can cause.

  • Irritability 
  • Fatigue 
  • Anxiety 
  • Impulsive behaviour 
  • Increased risk of diabetes – through reduced insulin release. 
  • Weakened Immunity 
  • High Blood Pressure

Why We are Focusing on Sleep

Research has shown that sleep deprivation is independently associated with a higher risk of developing obesity. This is due to an increased hunger observed in sleep deprived adults given free access to food. Furthermore, this hunger has an increased preference for energy dense foods high in carbohydrate and fat causing this increased calorie intake. 

Other contributors to abnormal eating behaviours associated with sleep deprivation included altered hormone levels. Hunger and satiety hormones can be altered in states of obesity i.e., leptin, a satiety hormone released when food is consumed, can often be over produced in states of overweight and obesity causing leptin resistance. While this should cause appetite to be reduced, it instead has the opposite effect. This leptin resistance results in the body blocking the signalling by the brain to stop eating. 

Not only that but ghrelin, the hunger hormone has been shown to be increased in sleep deprived adults, increasing appetite and in turn energy intake. This hormonal imbalance caused by sleep deprivation therefore has detrimental consequences for eating behaviours and overall physical health.

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